Terms and Conditions


Welcome to whatsleft! We take the privacy and protection of your data very seriously. We want you to clearly understand how we collect, use, and store your data, and how you can end this agreement if you so choose.

In this agreement ‘whatsleft’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ and any sub brands such as 'Usable Balance' is whatsleft and ‘you’ and ‘your’ is you - the person or organisation that is using our services.

We may update this agreement from time to time. Continuing to use our services after the change becomes effective means you agree to the new agreement.


whatsleft is a platform that helps you gain realtime, actionable insights from your financial information. Our services allow you to connect data sources (such as a bank account, Xero, or the IRD) so that we can generate realtime insights on your behalf (such as your Usable Balance - how much money in your account is safe to spend).

Data Handling:

whatsleft is a platform that helps you gain realtime, actionable insights from your financial information. Our services allow you to connect data sources (such as a bank account, Xero, or the IRD) so that we can generate realtime insights on your behalf (such as your Usable Balance - how much money in your account is safe to spend).

Consent & Privacy:

By using our services you give consent for us to access any accounts that you have connected to whatsleft on your behalf. You may revoke this consent at any time by contacting us at [email protected].

We comply with the Privacy Act 2020 in relation to any personal information that we obtain or have access to as part of us providing the services to you. More about our privacy policy can be read here.

Limitation of Liability:

whatsleft is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties and conditions, express or implied. Our entire liability shall be limited to damages of an amount equal to a large flat white from Fidel’s Cafe (Wellington).